William Pryor ADR
About us
Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution which is voluntary but actively encouraged by the courts throughout the litigation process. It has become increasingly important in recent years as it allows parties to remain in control and to settle their disputes cost effectively and confidentially on a Without Prejudice basis.
William (Will) Pryor is a professionally Accredited Mediator; who prior to starting his Mediation Practice, worked in senior roles within the Property and Construction industries for the last 35 years.
As a professionally Accredited Mediator specialising in Building / Construction / Property Development and associated cases, Will brings this vast experience to assist the litigants reach the most viable and timely solution.
His knowledge, understanding and experience cover a wide range from Federal, State and Local Governments to large and small private enterprises involving Tier 1 to Tier 3 (large to small) type projects.
Will’s Mediation Practice deals with many general insurers and Domestic Builders Insurance (Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria) and Home Owner Warrantee Insurance plus commercial and building cases from small claims to complex contractual disputation of high cost and impact to the litigants.
With clear, calm and highly organised progression through the Mediation processes, Will’s ability to demystify and reconstruct the core issues at Mediation significantly assist the litigants achieve results with the best possible outcome.
His up to minute Mediation skills helps the litigants avoid very protracted and costly legal action.
William (Will) Pryor’s mediation skills are founded in a rare combination of large and small construction management in lead roles that include both on and off-site experience. His experience blends many aspects of Property Development and Development Management in principal leadership roles, spanning many facets of the property industry.
This diversity of professional experience gives Will a deeper base for understanding and empathy with Litigants. Often apparent single issues can have much wider and peripheral implications, which when not considered holistically, can have disastrous mitigation results, which do not address those higher consequences.
Mediation requires finely honed negotiation skills and high levels of tenacity. These are not text book skills; they are real life skills ingrained into Will’s character. Will has the ability to get to the nub of a dispute and so navigate towards best possible outcomes for each Litigant.
Will has achieved outstanding statistically proven results in recent years and continues to refine his craft as a widely recognised Nationally Accredited Mediator.
Q: What times am I able to book a Mediation?
A: Morning Mediations start 10:00 a.m and usually conclude within 2.5 hours
Afternoon Mediations start at 2:00p.m (depending on location) and usually conclude within 2.5 Hours.
Q: How can I book a Mediation?
A: Please go to the Make a Booking tab within this website.
Contained within this tab is the Mediation Agreement which must be signed by authorised representatives of each party before the Mediation commences. Confidentiality clauses are contained within this Mediation Agreement which also must be signed off prior to the Mediation starting.
This Mediation Agreement should be returned with your brief to;
By mail to
William Pryor ADR
6/36 Power Street,
Hawthorn, VIC, 3122
Or by email to will@williampryoradr.com.au
Q: How do I organise the venue for Mediation?
A: Please see below the links to various Mediation Venues which are the most suitable currently. It is the responsibility of the Litigants to book, organise and pay for a venue available at the same time as the booked Mediation. Please be mindful when booking a venue of the number of people that will be attending. One large meeting room / Boardroom plus two smaller Meeting rooms are normally required for the duration of the Mediation where there is approximately 5 -7 people attending.
Those Mediation Facilities are:
- Victorian Bar Mediation Centre
Douglas Menzies Chambers
Level 1 /180 William Street
Melbourne. Vic 3000.
Tel: +61 3 9225 6930
Email: mediation.centre@vicbar.com.au
Website: vicbarmediation.com.au and fill out the enquiry form - Melbourne Commercial Arbitration & Mediation Hub
William Cooper Justice Centre
Level 4/ 223 William Street
Melbourne. Vic. 3000.
Tel: +61 3 9225 6929
Email: bookings@mcamc.com.au - Law Institute Victoria
470 Bourke St,
Melbourne. Vic. 3000.
Tel: +61 3 9607 9568
Email: roombooking@liv.asn.au
Q: What are standard Mediation Fees?
A: Standard half day mediation = $2,500 (incl GST) paid 3 business days before scheduled Mediation
Full day mediation = $4500 (incl GST) paid 3 business days before scheduled Mediation
A quote will be provided on request for mediations in Rural or Regional centres, accounting for travel time and sundry expenses.
An hourly rate of $500p.hr is applicable after 2.5 hours for half day or 5 hours plus breaks for full day Mediations.
Q: How to I pay for Mediation?
A: If the dispute involves two parties only then each Litigant is required to pay only 50% of the scheduled fee, no later than 3 business days before the scheduled Mediation. If there are more than two parties involved in the dispute then this % per litigant is divided evenly (i.e. 3 litigants pay 33.33% each and so on)
Banking Details
Please Identify your Name or Company
Name of Account: William Pryor
Bank: ANZ
BSB: 013 435
Account : 308454762
Q: What happens if the litigants cancel the Mediation?
A: If the Litigants cancel the booked mediation at short notice (i.e. within 3 business days of being scheduled) and Will is not able to bring forward another Mediation then he maintains the right to withhold an appropriate cancellation fee and refund the balance to the litigants.
Q: What about Mediation in Rural Centres?
A: Will is prepared to conduct a Mediation in Rural and Regional centres. Please refer to Q: What are standard Mediation Fees
Q: When should I deliver the Mediation Brief and Mediation Agreement?
A: The Mediation Brief and the mediation Agreement should be delivered or emailed to Will not less than 3 business days prior to the Mediation.
Its contents should be agreed between the parties. A list of documents can be provided on request as a guide as to what should be and should not be included.
By mail to
William Pryor ADR
6/36 Power Street,
Hawthorn, VIC, 3122
Or by email to will@williampryoradr.com.au
Q: What is required for a multi – party litigation?
A: Litigants in a multi – party litigation in the County Court are reminded that they are required, not less than 3 business days prior to the Mediation, to conduct a contribution conference. The purpose of the conference is to avoid delays in dealing with the Plaintiff at the Mediation if the contribution between the Defendants has not been resolved. There is a County Court practice note to that effect. Commonsense dictates that the same approach should be adopted in Supreme Court matters.
Will specialises in resolving disputes via Mediation which is completed via a highly structured and highly controlled process.
This service defuses potentially aggressive and polarised litigants and focuses them on the core issues of their dispute in a controlled and calm manner.
The goal is to negotiate to an agreed outcome that is palatable to both Litigants.
The success of this service is very high, well above 80%.
Therefore, the Litigants can resolve their issue/s and will;
• Save money
• Save time
• Save psychological stress
• Save effort
• Save attendance to many pre-trial meetings
• Minimises the potential for the case escalating and spiralling into a far more complex case with wider ramifications which are often irretrievable
• Every possibility that the Litigants will be able to salvage their relationship
• Set the platform for speedy resolution with minimal preparation required from either party
• The earlier the Mediation is heard during the dispute process, the higher the chances of reaching a highly amicable result with minimising financial damage.
How can we help you?

Bookings can also be facilitated here, in advance of our custom facilities.
William Pryor ADR.

William Pryor PRI Med.